Cleaning the Tea Dispenser (Daily)
To clean, prepare a mild solution of detergent and warm
water. Remove the dispenser from the brewer and rinse.
Remove the lid from the dispenser. Wipe the exterior
surfaces with a sponge and the detergent solution to
remove spills and debris. Use the detergent solution and
a soft bristled brush to clean inside the container. Rinse
with clean, warm water and dry.
2 Sanitize the interior of the dispenser using a commercial
sanitizer suitable for food grade applications. Sanitize
according to the directions on the package.
3 Unscrew the faucet assembly from the dispenser. Then,
unscrew the handle/bonnet assembly from the top of
the faucet and remove. Inspect the seat cup for wear.
Replace the seat cup if it is damaged.
4 Clean the faucet parts with the detergent solution.
Thoroughly rinse all parts with hot water.
After cleaning, place the faucet parts in the sink to be
sanitized. Use a clean container to submerge all parts.
Immerse them in a commercial sanitizer suitable for food
grade applications. Sanitize according to the directions
on the package.
After cleaning, sanitizing and drying, reassemble the
handle/bonnet. Hand tighten the handle/bonnet onto the
top of the faucet assembly.
7 Hand-tighten the faucet assembly onto the dispenser
Seat cup