g. Attach one end of the return pump hose connector (S) to the outlet of the return pump (Q) and the
other end to the return elbow (R). Insert the return elbow with hose and return pump attached into the
receptacle in the return area of the Solana filtration section. It may be necessary to twist the return pump
to position it at the bottom of the return area so that it rests flat on the bottom.
h. Attach the flexible return nozzle (T) to the return outlet on the inside portion of the Solana (Figure
D & E) by pushing the connection cone firmly over the return outlet. The fit will be fairly tight but will
allow the cone portion to twist on the outlet for adjustability. Once the unit is up and running it may be
necessary to adjust the nozzle for desired flow patterns, wave action and/or surface agitation.
i. Place the Top Off Plate (P) onto the support shelves positioned over the top of the return pump area.
Route the power cord to the return pump through the cutout in the Top Off Plate. The Top Off bottles
will be added later when the unit is filled with water.
j. When installing the glass top (U), place each of the 4 suspension clips (V) on the rim of the aquarium
so that the resting edge of the clip is facing the inside of the Solana. Position the clips so they support
the glass top evenly over the top of the Solana (Figure E). Place the glass top on top of the Solana so
that the cutout is facing the filtration section of the Solana. The power cords for the pumps and airline
tubing from the protein skimmer can be routed out the back of the Solana through the partial cutout in
the glass top (Figure E).
Figure d
Top-off bottles
Heater Chamber
figure e
Power Cord & Tubing
routing location