NEB 6500 and NEB 6500 R
4.3 Electrical connections
Installation provides for the utilization of an ON/OFF
humidistat that controls starting and switching off the
humidifier: it is, however, possible to use a simple ON/OFF
contact; the only difference is that the machine must be
started and stopped manually. This choice however does not
in any way influence the installation procedure described
Installation must provide a separator switch for the ap-
pliance on the electric power supply, as shown in Pic. 12.
Installation of a 2.5 amp slow blow fuse is necessary for
the start-up of the motor.
4.3.1 Wiring diagram
Pic. 12 - Wiring diagram
1. External humidistat (not supplied).
2. Floating device.
3. Electric motor.
4. Solenoid valve.
5. Heating resistance (only on 6500 R)
6. Temperature probe
7. Electronic board
8. Line protection (not supplied)
4.3.2 Cabling
The flexible lead that is used for the electric connections,
must be at least protected by an ordinary PVC sheath
and respect 227 IEC 53 standards (CENELEC H05VV-F or
H05VVH2-F or better)
With reference to Pic. 13:
Remove the cover of the external junction box by un-
screwing the four screws. In the box there are two cable
clamps that will be used to pass the power cable
the humidistat cable
Pass the power cable through the cable clamp
Fasten the neutral and phase (live) wires to the terminals
and the ground wire to the ground terminal.
Pic. 13 - External junction box opened.
Pass the cable of the humidistat through the cable gland
and connect the two wires to the
terminals. The
cable holder is fitted with a special plug that is suggested
to keep safe for an eventual future use.
Close the junction box.
Do NOT apply any voltage to the H-H contacts. The elec-
tronic board checks the status OPENED or CLOSED of the
H-H contacts to start and stop the humidifier.
4.4 Hydraulic connections
The installation of the humidifier also needs the water
supply and drainage pipes connected. The pipes supplied
must be connected to the machine as explained in par. “3.2
Preliminary operations”.
Pic. 14 - Hydraulic connections
The supply pipe
supplied has a threaded bushing G3/4 at
both ends: connect the free end (the straight one) directly