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Summary of Contents for SWAN SS-100

Page 1: ...PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS I ANUAL I swAN MoDEL SS 15 SS 100 AND SS 200 SINGLESIDEBAND TRANSCEIVERS Gl Swaff Y ELECTRONICS A subsidiaty ol Cublc Cotporctlon 305 Alrporl Road Oceanslde CA 92054 Phone 71417...

Page 2: ...nouis ttlyu be enspent to make this equipmeni Ttt best tht youl money buy w dt lru rto vei probleinsdo occur f rom tine to tine i thil i espect TP o 11 like to bring your aiiention to our l iberal war...

Page 3: ...lanker Transnit SSB Transmit CW rrSfrMeter AdiuStment CW sidetone Volume Adjustment External VFO CIRCUIT THEORY OF OPEMTION General Transceiver Systen Receiver Circuits RCVRMIXER Noise Bl anker Filter...

Page 4: ...iver Pre Drive Driver Low Pass Filter Assembly ALC Directional Detectoi SS 100 and SS 200 Amplifiers VOXControl Keyer Sidetone Oscillator Carrier Osci1lator Accessories z7 27 1 1 L t 27 27 28 28 28 28...

Page 5: ...3 4 5 6 ILLUSTRATIONS DESCRIPTION Model S 15 Rear View Models SS 100 and SS 200 Rear PlrfR Connector Wiring Diagram Block Diagran Recedver BLosk Diagram Transnitter Crystal Filter Passband GraPh View...

Page 6: ...Ean be expected from tirese filhtweight and durable units whether they are operated fixed station or nobile The SS 15 provides a powe input of 15 watts P E P and the SS 100 tna SS 200 provide 10 0and...

Page 7: ...4 _attention shouLd be given to the power suppLies if adequate DC Bowet is not available The foLLowing sections of this manual provide infornation pertaining to instaLlation operation circuit theory t...

Page 8: ...finite VSWRprotec tion including openor shortcircuit Distortion UnwantedSideband Suppression CarrierSuppression TransmitterOutput A u d i o S i d e t o n e C W K e y i n g C a l i b r a t i o n r l F...

Page 9: ...s If al adequate voltage and current source is not available r rotrsideration ry be giien for the use of one of Swanrs power supplies The PS 10 pow6r supply provides the necessary power requirenents f...

Page 10: ...jumper is missing or lost one can be made from RG 58U 1 FIGURE1 ANT NiIA I t t i d jr In either the Model ss 100 or ss 200 the RF Amplifier will be o i atOtt itt rear panel of the transceiver The inp...

Page 11: ...ers require the SwanModel PS 10 powelrsupply and tlie Model SS 200 transceiver requires a SwanModel PS 20 power supply A power supply or a battery source of IZ to 15 volts DC negative grbund is ieQuir...

Page 12: ...t use a speakeror speaker _ cornbiiration which is less than 4 ohms as permanent damage Eo Ene el piiriai occur Figure 3 shows the proper pin con nection for the speaker on the Dc PWRconnector aAUTION...

Page 13: ...n energencies but is not recommended for regular usage GeneraLIy the higher the SWR the lower the power output capability of the transmitter In some cases the quality of the transmitted signal may als...

Page 14: ...the transceiver can be used with any k r y i pab1 e of withstanding 15 volts DC open circuit it6v p ind an average current of 6 tUl key down In using a fi yl t iuLtfr solid stat6 output switching be...

Page 15: ...The outer scale on the dial is cali brated for 3 5 to 4 0 MHz and the inner scale is calibrated for 28 0 to 29 7 MHz The center scale is calibrated for 40 20 and 15 neters It is necessary to add 7 L4...

Page 16: ...upperside band for 20 15 and 10 meters The OPPposition selects the opposite sideband frorn that ng ted above CWselects the CWrnodeof operation The VFO SELECTOR switch is used in conjunction with the...

Page 17: increase will not cause increased modulation but wilL cause the AIC circuit to react t0 control transmitted output and prevent flat topping The meter indicates frsrf units during receive and the AL...

Page 18: ...oP ration may actually be norrnai except fpr reduced power ftt laci of indicaiion m rybe due to either SlrlRor low supply voltage of both 0p91ati9n nay be quite ilrattigll in these case s if other nea...

Page 19: in SSBby just speaking into the rnicrophone or closing the key in CW The sensitivity of the VOXcircuit is adjusted by the VOX GAIN control It should be adjusted to the point where the transceiver t...

Page 20: ...corunendationsare offered in the MAINTENANCE section for their proper adjustnent The length of time that the trans6eiver stays in transnit foLlowingrthe Last CWcharacter is ad justed by this controL T...

Page 21: ...NORM Fu11 counterclockwise Ful l cLockwise Ful1 countercLockwise FulL counterclockwise FuLl countercLockwise Ful1 countercLockwise OFF FuLL countercLockwise Jill In Line with panel narking LZ orcLock...

Page 22: ...the crystal calibrator to CAL and adjust the DIAL SET control for a zero beat signal nearest the DIAL SET cal ibration nark on the front paneL It shouLd be noted that on L0 meters it will be possible...

Page 23: ...n setting The transceiver is now ready for receive and transmitting SSBusing PTT For VOXoperation position the PTT VOX switch to V0X Speak into the microphone in a natural tone of voice and adjust the...

Page 24: ...pletely detuning the transceiverrs PRESELECTOR control No noise oi signit shouLd be received so as to deflect tlt meter Adjust the S METER ZEROcontrol on the rear panel for a zero i S meter reading Be...

Page 25: ...should be noted that the asterisks on various blocks indicate that the circuit s in that block are used for both transmit and receive As an d x anple the VFO is a single circuit used for both transmit...

Page 26: ...FE lv Lr E ij dE 1a J A av otr O F i zHIt 9 9 te H F 1 l l HH f q Fl F r i t Fl do ssTnd PNIYNVTg 2L...

Page 27: ...tilg Fi tl t two transistor circuits are connected iir series wiEtr the IF signar t 50 db attenuation of the IF signal ii ir ut a tt tine the FET transistors stop con ducting The blanking pulse and th...

Page 28: ...20r 15 dnd 1 0meters and 5 5 MI zhigher on 40 and 80 meters i PROD DET The product detector is essentiaLLy a nixer 9 age It mixes the SSB IF signal frequency with the carrier oscillator frequency the...

Page 29: ...carrier osciLlator trsrr meter and the microphone ampLifier The regulator consists of an intograted circuit TRANSMITTER CIRCUITS The transmit system is shown in Figure 5 The system is sirnilar to the...

Page 30: ...q a H E8 xE fi F l F trl r r ilH fr r trl FE L L ta a d fr1 d n Hfe OF t4z c li j o E p E frl H H E m z t F E fl o s a M o Fl n f l fi p g k N E o lo rO ro ru cNvgtrqlssTenoc t1 i l 9E fi Fl trl O I 1...

Page 31: ...nodulator is a double sideband signal without an RF carrier If CWis being transmitted the CWDRIVEcontrol unbalances the rnodulator causing an RF carrier at the output XTAI FITTER The crystal filter na...

Page 32: ...Class A linear DRIVER The driver arnplifier is the RF output anplifier for the SS 15 and is the driver anplifier for the SS 100 and SS 200 Three bipolar transistors are used as Linear anplifiers to p...

Page 33: ...ce delay adjustments KEYER The keyer circuit is a bipolar transistor switch Q201 that operates frorn the external key or keyer and controls the on off operation of the transmit mixer XMIT MIX stage Th...

Page 34: ...ces standard filter WM l500 IN LINEWATTMETER FrequencyRange 2 0 to 30 0 MHz may be usedup to 50 MHzwith slightlyreducedaccuracy DesignlmPedance 50 ohm Powir Ranses lil S o ou 33 ffiil1 J n i reverse C...

Page 35: ...AMP l 5K o l9R BAND SWITCH VFO SELECTOR LJ l l N l t O O l l v t I P E f l t l _L t00 DIAL MAIN 5ET TUN N6 fr K toK f 13 5 tN34 tN34 47 rl s taK L 2t4 t00K l d i J L t 0 d t d u LZtS C A L FREG DIV 3...

Page 36: ...ND PULSE SHAPER IN34A 50 PF 1 te l AIC AMP 2N58Ul Q ltz 3 1K 500K ll z f _l i TO 5 1 f tt3 5 5W 7UH l r I I r_ rF l f tooo er o A r I L r l l t o I s a BROAD BAND DRIVER MPS HIO rr Itzot fu H IOOPF Lz...

Page 37: ...3l05c PTs767 TSoz s5 2oo AUPLIF ER 7 803 r lF r l i r J r vzsv I I I ANrl vox POT MJE37I o 702 v I i 3II 7r808 o I t_ PTstosc Pr5767 T8o7 a804 6S IOO AMPL FlER RED OUTPUT 2 W 2 7 U H e 6 2 W lstacx NP...

Page 38: ...ND NUDIO_7OO SERIE 5 5EiR4Es t CH 455 SPnl TS WATT A VPL OOO SERIE 4 SELECTED FoR loss t foss BETWEEN Z vl A loss BETWEEN 9 M PA R MATCHED MTH N tr ass EETWEEN 2 h O fDrs EETTVEEN 15 N AttlV ENNA A t...


Page 40: ...ost practical adranced componentsavailable Exftrnally c deeignedthese nerv tran ceivor to be apprsciatedby every ham and the XYL rynshams who told us what t tey wanted lt s all here uptethaminute in l...
