Network Terminal Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Instructions
P/N 8040375G001
[0 - 1048575]
Accepts a numeric code that identifies which pump modules
are grouped in the selected gang start pump grouping. The
parameter 1 through 5 selects the groups ’1’ through ’5’
which can be reviewed and programmed through the keypad
of the Network Terminal when the 99 select code is entered
from the REGEN menu. The bit weights for the set notation
are the same as for the B command. In this way, the group
start can be remotely programmed. Pumps in any such group
will be commanded to start either a Full regeneration or a
FastRegen (if FastRegen is available) by a manual keypad
REGEN start or remote computer interface command to
start. If a FastRegen group start is requested, it will be aban-
doned if any of the pumps included in the group are not
capable of performing a FastRegen.
[1 - 5]
Returns a numeric code that identifies which pump modules
are grouped in the selected gang start grouping. The parame-
ter 1 through 5 selects the groups ’1’ through ’5’ which can be
reviewed and programmed through the keypad of the Net-
work Terminal when the 99 select code is entered from the
REGEN menu. The bit weights for the set notation are the
same as for the B command above. Any pump can be present
in any one of the groups 1-5.
[1 - 5] [0,2,3]
Requests to abort (0) / start Full (2) / or start Fast (3) the
specified group 1 - 5. All pumps which are in the grouping
will be commanded to start or stop the regeneration accord-
ing to the 0/2/3 parameter. The parameter 1 through 5selects
the groups ’1’ through ’5’ which can be reviewed and pro-
grammed through the keypad of the Network Terminal when
the 99 select code is entered from the REGEN menu. The
REGEN stop selection code of 0 will cause a stopREGEN
command to be sent to all of the pumps in the selected gang-
group. A REGEN start command (2 or 3) will cause all of
the pumps which are numbers of the selected group to
receive a REGEN start command, and if a Fast command is
selected (3), then the entire group start will be abandoned if
any of the pumps responding in the set are not a G version
series pump (with a return of a G or H error code) and, or
any of the pumps are currently in regeneration.
Table B-2: Network Terminal RS-232 Commands (Continued)