Cutting Plastic:
Plastic can be cut as easily as wood on the N80X and N90X models. However, because of its elastic properties, the
material can deflect as the blades pass through. Therefore it is important to clamp the material as close as possible to the
blade and support it by use of fixtures. CTD offers special 45
Horizontal Clamps for this application (see above).
Additional tooling may be required. CTD offers special modified blades for cutting plastics.
Cutting Aluminum:
As with cutting any material, it is important that aluminum be clamped properly. Precision blades are required for accurate
cutting. CTD suggests and uses a Triple Chip Grind on all its non-ferrous Carbide Blades. When cutting aluminum, or
other non-ferrous materials, it is essential that the blades be lubricated with a Spray Lubrication System or other blade
lubricating system for the finest finish. See SAWBLADE LUBRICATION SYSTEM below for more details.
Combination Blades:
Any combination blade is basically an aluminum cutting blade. Significant blade life in between sharpenings will be lost if a
blade is used for cutting both aluminum and wood. The amount of production for either wood or aluminum should be the
determining factor in the assessment of the particular blade type to be used. Please consult factory.
Sawblade Lubrication System:
The Sawblade Lubrication System is used when cutting aluminum or other non-ferrous material . This system normally
uses a Water Soluble Oil mixture of
10 parts water to one part oil.
The system operates by siphoning the lubrication up
the line to the nozzle. Any air leak will cause inconsistent fluid flow to the nozzle.
your fluid is free from chips and other debris. A fluid container supplied with the machine contains a One-Way
Check Valve, Part No. B3P96 at the end of the clear fluid line. This check valve helps to hold the lubrication in the line.
However, after a couple of minutes the lubrication or oil will back-flow into the container. Priming of the system may be
necessary ( by holding Foot Pedal down for 30 seconds), if the machine has been standing without use. The system may
be shut off by closing the toggle valve next to the vacuum pump. The fluid must be clean or the vacuum pump will clog.
CTD Bio Lubrication System:
The CTD biodegradable lubrication system operates by pulse spraying a minute amount of biodegradable lubricant
directly on to the saw tooth of the blade in time-measured increments. The majority of the lubricant then dissipates with
the heat of the cutting action. Chips coming off the blade are hot and dry, and are more easily collected (see specific
instructions included with system).
Summary of Contents for N80X
Page 19: ... 19 ...
Page 20: ... 20 N80 Exploded View Notching Configuration ...
Page 21: ... 21 N 8 0 E x p lo d e d V ie w P a rts L ist ...
Page 22: ... 22 N90 Floor Stand and Blade Guard Exploded View ...
Page 23: ... 23 ...
Page 24: ... 24 ...