HV DTemp Measurement System – Using a HV DTemp Measurement System
User Guide
Version 01.00 // 2021
5.3 Setting the central unit and the controller
It is recommended always to use the latest version of DTEMPconfig as
older versions may not support all functions.
The following sections contain information on the following topics:
Setting options for the HV DTemp-P central unit and the HV DTemp-M controller
Similar to CSMconfig, configurations in DTEMPconfig can be created both
Online configuration
The measurement system is linked to the configuration software.
Upon completion in DTEMPconfig, a configuration can be directly transferred to the
HV DTemp Measurement System.
Offline configuration
There is no connection between configuration software and the central unit(s). The
configuration document is created "offline", which means without connection to the
measurement chain.
The configuration is transferred to the measurement chain via DTEMPconfig at a later
time, after an online connection to the measurement chain has been established.
5 3 1 Creating an offline configuration
The following sections describe the steps for configuration in offline mode. The configura-
tion data is stored in a DBC file when configuring CAN measurement modules offline. This
configuration file can be transferred to a module or a measurement chain at a later time or
made available for further use in other tools such as vMeasure exp, CANape® or INCA.
Start DTEMPconfig.
The DTEMPconfig program window opens.
Fig. 5-6: The DTEMPconfig program window