500-1421E rev1.2
NVeDVR User Guide
This is the IP of the remote PC that will connect to the DVR through PSTN.
Local IP
This field is available when the Mode is set to PPP.
This is the IP of the DVR.
This field is available when the Mode is set to PPP.
The Remote IP and the Local IP are in the same sub net.
Username, Password and Verify password
These fields are available when the Mode is set to PPP.
They are used for login when the remote PC dials-up through PSTN.
This field is available when the Mode is set to PPP and PPP is set to Active.
It is the phone number of the Remote PC.
Not used
Press Confirm to save changes or Cancel not to save changes and return to the Main Menu.
Preview Menu
Customize the regular DVR screen view referred to as Preview Mode
Highlight the Preview icon in the Main Menu and press “ENTER” at the DVR controls, remote control or left click with
a mouse to open the configuration screen.
To make selections in this screen,
1. Use the “
”, “
”, “
” and “
” arrow buttons on the DVR controls or remote control or mouse pointer to high light
the screen selections.
2. Press “EDIT” to change a selection
3. Use
”, “
” to change the selection. Left click the mouse to change the selection.
4. Press “ENTER” to save a selection and return to the Image Menu.
5. After making changes, press Confirm to save the changes or Cancel to not save the changes.