NVeDVR User Guide
500-1421E rev1.2
5. Press “ESC” to cancel the mask area.
The maximum mask area size is 8x8 panes and the minimum size is one pane. A maximum of 4 mask areas can be
6. Press “ENTER” to return to the Image Menu.
Press F3 on the DVR controls or right clicked mouse menu or “A” on a remote control to clear all the mask areas.
View Tampering
The DVR can generate an alarm if an attempt to block a camera is made.
Use “
”, “
” on the DVR controls or remote control to select the sensitivity for the View Tampering selection.
The sensitivity options are: Off, Low, Normal, High
Selecting Low, Normal or High will activate the Area Setup and Procedure Setup buttons.
1. Highlight the Area button and press “ENTER”.
2. Use
”, “
”, “
” and “
” to move the yellow pane to the desired start position. Or drag the area with a mouse.
3. Press “EDIT”. The yellow pane will turn to red.
4. Use
”, “
”, “
” and “
” to extend the red pane. This red area is the mask area. This red area is the mask
The masked area must not cover a section of the screen from its left side to its right side or
from the bottom of the screen to the top. Section off the area with space around it.
5. Once the mask area is set, press “EDIT” or right click for mouse selections: confirm, cancel, clear.
6. Press “ESC” to cancel the mask area.
7. After the area is setup, press “ENTER” to return Image Menu. Press “ESC” to abort.
NOTE: Press “F3” on the DVR controls or “A” on a remote control or right click for the mouse menu to clear the view
tampering area. Only one view tampering area can be setup for each camera. The view tampering area cannot be
copied. If the schedule is modified, the DVR must be re-booted to activate the changes.
Highlight the Procedure button and press “ENTER” to enter into the View Tampering Response menu:
Alarm in Schedule
Setup a schedule to determine when the View Tampering Alarm will be activated.
Ensure that adequate time periods are set to avoid missing possible occurrences.
When a View Tampering Alarm occurs within the defined schedule, the DVR will respond with one or more of the
selectable Control Methods. A maximum of 4 periods can be setup for each day of the week. The schedule of one day
can be copied to another.
NOTE: Time periods in one day cannot be repeated.
1. If a View Tampering Alarm has occurred during the defined schedule, the DVR will respond based on the
procedure selections. One or more selections include:
On Screen Warning
Audible Warning
Upload to Center (send exception information to the central host PC)