P2008 Jens Broecking © Firma WJG, Braunschweig. Nachdruck oder Vervielfältigung nur mit ausdrücklicher Genehmigung
Connect the radio installation (1) to the connector
TX of the meter (2).
Connect the antenna installation (3) to the
connector ANT of the meter (2).
Switch on all participating devices.
Measurement of the SWR and the Transmitting Power:
Put the slide switch [6] to the desired metering range for the transmitting power measuring. Choose 10
W or 100 W-steps.
Read the output power of the radio installation on the left hand display [5] immediately.
Put the slide switch [7] to FWD.
Press the transmit button of the radio installation and hold it.
Use CAL [3] setting the pointer of the right hand display [4] to the full scale deflection SET. The meter is
calibrated now.
Still holding the transmit button of the radio installation put the slide switch [7] to REF.
Still holding the transmit button of the radio installation read the SWR directly from the upper scale of
the right hand display.
Take the loss of power referring to the measured SWR from the following table:
Measurement of the Field Strength:
Screw the auxiliary antenna [8] to the meter to receive the transmitted signal from the antenna
The antenna installation must not be connected to the meter anymore but should be not farer away
from it than 1 m.
If you press the transmit button of the radio installation now you can read the value of the relative field
strength from the lower scale of the right hand display [4].
Here you can also adjust the sensitivity of the meter with CAL [3].