FHD Digital Video Recorder for Mercedes-Benz
Connect Wi-Fi
DVR Setting
Wi-Fi Name
- DVR Wi-Fi SSID Name display on mobile phone.
• Set Wi-Fi Password - Change Wi-Fi password (default 12345678).
Min 8 digits and Max 20 digits.
• Video Resolution - Select the quality of the video recording, the
options are [FHD P30], [HD P30], [FHD P30 + FHD P30*], [FHD P30 +
HD P30].
Loop Recording
- Select the video record duration, the option are [1],
[3*], 5 ] minutes.
Record Audio
- Enable/Disable* sound recording function when video
* Default setting
Date Watermark
- Enable*/Disable the Date and Time stamp.
• G-Sensor Sensitivity - Select the collision sensitivity of the gravity
sensor, the options are [Off], [Low], [Medium*], [High].
Parking Monitor
- Set the sensitivity of the Parking Moritoring sensor,
the options are [Off], [Low*], [Medium], [High].
Format SD Card
- Format the storage card ( Delete all video and
photo files).
• Default Setting - Restore to default setting.
• Firmware Version - DVR software version.