Mount the S100 in a convenient location on the RO equipment using the integral mounting flanges.
Power Wiring
Before applying power to the unit, verify that the voltage jumpers are configured correctly for the voltage
that will power the unit. The voltage jumpers are located below the transformer. For 120 VAC operation, there should
be a wire jumper installed between J1 and J3 and a second wire jumper installed between J2 and J4. For 240 VAC
operation, a single wire jumper should be installed between J3 and J4.
AC power for the unit is connected to terminal strip P1. Connect the ground wire of the AC power to P1-1 (GND). For AC
power with a neutral and hot wire, the hot wire connects to P1-2 (L1) and the neutral wire connects to P1-3 (L2). For AC
power with 2 hot wires, either wire can connect to L1 and L2.
Pump and Valve Relay Outputs
The S100 supplies relay outputs to control the RO pump
and solenoid valves.
The relays output the same voltage as the AC
power to the board. If the pump and solenoids operate
on different voltages, a contactor will need to be
supplied to operate the pump.
RO Pump Wiring
The RO pump connects to P1-4 ( L1) and P1-5 (L2) RO
pump terminals. This output can operate 120/240VAC
motors up to 1HP directly. For motors larger than 1HP or
for 3 phase motors, this output can be used to operate a
Terminal Strip and Jumper Locations
Inlet and Flush Valve Wiring
The inlet and flush valves must operate at the same voltage as supplied to the board. These outputs can supply 5A maximum
and are not designed to operate pump motors directly. If these outputs are to be used to operate a boost or flush pump, the
output should be used to operate a contactor. The inlet valve connects to P1-6 (L1) and P1-7 (L2) inlet terminals. The flush
valve connects to P1-8 (L1) and P1-9 (L2) flush terminals.
TDS / Conductivity Cell Wiring
For accurate TDS readings, the cell should be installed in a tee fitting where a continuous flow of water passes over the cell
and no air can be trapped around the cell. The cell is connected with 5 wires to terminal strip P3. Connect each colored wire
to the terminal labeled with the same color.