Care & Cleaning
Note: Do not
use any cleaning substance but
water in the main dispenser. It is possible for
cleaning substances to drain into the tub. If this
should happen, set the washer for a rinse and
spin cycle to remove any cleaning substance from
the washer before doing a load of laundry.
Cleaning the Dispenser
The dispenser may need to be cleaned periodically
due to laundry additive build-up. For easy clean-up of
the dispenser, grasp the removable two-compartment
container (for bleach and softener) as shown in
illustration 1. As you begin to lift the two-compartment
container, tilt slightly inward, according to illustration 2
and remove from the main dispenser.
Once the two-compartment container is removed from
the main dispenser, take it to a sink. Follow illustration
3 to remove the cap covering the siphon tube for the
bleach and softener. Run warm water and a soft brush
or cloth over the two parts to remove any excess
laundry additives.
Clean the main dispenser area using water and a soft
cloth. Once the main dispenser is clean, follow the
illustrations in reverse order to replace the two
compartment container to its original location.