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Cronyx Engineering.

Marshala Sokolovskogo str. 4

Phone/Fax: +7 (095) 742-1771

Moscow, Russia 123060


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Ìîñêâà, Ðîññèÿ 123060

E-mail: [email protected]







Copyright © 2003-2004 Cronyx Engineering

is started, e.g. from /etc/rc file and is not modified
thereafter.  Full sconfig utility description is included
into the supplied software package, see "man

Channels configuration in
Linux OS

Sconfig utility is used to set the Tau-PCI adapter
channels modes in Linux OS. Use the samples
supplied in the distribution kit to create the command
file that sets the channels operation modes when the
operating system is started. The sconfig help can be
retrieved using the command:

sconfig help

and start the test with external loopback (External
Loopback line).

In case the connected communication equipment
supports the loopback mode it can be used
instead of the short-circuit to check the cable.
For this purpose switch the external equipment
to the loopback mode and start the channel
testing with external loopback (“Channel” menu,
“External Loopback” line).

The synchronization mode, rate, test data type
etc. can be changed from “Setup” menu. Use
“Channel”, “Adapter” and “Test” menus to test
individual channel, all channels of one adapter
(for multi-channel adapters) or all adapters

Software Installation

The first diskette supplied with the adapter is
bootable and it is used to test the adapter. The second
floppy disk contains the Linux and FreeBSD drivers.

Driver installation in FreeBSD
and Linux OS

FreeBSD and Linux drivers are recorded on the
second diskette. Readme.txt file contains the full list
of drivers. You can use "mread" utility (mtools
package) to read the files from the diskette.  Use
"tar" utility to extract the files. For example:

mread a:linx30.tgz .

tar xvzf linx30.rgz

Install the extracted driver following the instructions
in readme file (or instal-r.txt).

Channels configuration in

Sconfig utility is used to set the channels modes.
Usually the modes are set when the operating system
