be altered in order to make additions in a way not recommended
by the manufacturer.
All chemicals, paints and stickers can seriously impair the
protective effect of the helmet.
Only clean your helmet with lukewarm water, mild soap and a soft cloth.
After every use, leave your helmet exposed to the air in order for
it to dry.
Clean the inner padding with lukewarm water and mild soap and
then let it air dry
High temperatures, from as low as 60° C, can seriously damage
the helmet. Uneven helmet surfaces and the formation of small
blisters are signs of such damage. Do not store behind panes of
glass, e.g. in the car or close to sources of heat or warmth.
Please contact your local waste disposal company for the disposal
of the helmet.
2. the CorreCt helmet PosItIon
Fig. 1a
Fig. 1b
The helmet must always be levelly horizontal on your head.(Fig. 1a)
If the helmet is too far forward, it can impair your vision.
If the helmet is too far back, your forehead is not sufficiently
protected. (Fig. 1b)
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