Crestron Green Light
Power Meter Control Unit
Operations Guide – DOC. 7294B
Crestron Green Light
Power Meter Control Unit: GLS-EM-MCU
Crestron Green Light
Meter Control Unit: GLS-EM-MCU
The GLS-EM-MCU is an Ethernet-based power metering control unit, designed to
log overall electricity usage in real time. It measures and tracks actual energy
consumption by attaching to the incoming electrical service and branch circuits. The
GLS-EM-MCU also works in unison with the GLS-EM-CTI and GLS-EM-CT to
provide more detailed data by tracking individual branch circuits in a home or office.
This data is then displayed on a touch screen, mobile device or computer for viewing
by users. Additionally, the GLS-EM-MCU system interfaces with Fusion EM™
Energy Management Software to provide reports with greater detail showing total
building consumption.
Features and Functions
Three-Phase Monitoring
The main control unit (MCU) monitors both voltage and current to provide complete
statistics of a building's electricity consumption. To achieve this, the MCU connects
to line voltage of each phase (up to three) and neutral. Current transformers
(GLS-EM-CTs) clamp around each of the incoming feed wires. These CTs then wire
into the MCU's inputs. With the voltage and current data, the MCU calculates power
Individual Branch Monitoring
In many cases, users may want to monitor consumption by area, or even device. The
main control unit, in conjunction with the current transformer interface, enables
metering of multiple branch circuits. GLS-EM-CT current transformers are placed
Power metering across 3 phases (main legs)
Reports data to control system and Fusion EM™
Monitors and logs RMS voltage, current, and active power
Monitors up to 84 individual branch circuits for more detailed data
Installs next to electrical panel
Operable with 100-347 Volt, 2- and 3-phase systems
Non-volatile memory reliably stores internally logged data