Room Solution Box with Local Video
Operations Guide – DOC. 8161A
Room Solution Box with Local Video: CNXRMCLV
“Send Program” Window
4. To verify that the program has been transferred successfully, select
Report Program Information
. This should display a
window that provides details about the current program loaded into the
control system.
Firmware Upgrade
A firmware upgrade file has the
extension upz.
To take advantage of all the CNXRMCLV features, it is important that the unit
contains the latest firmware available. Therefore, please check the Crestron website
( for the latest version of
firmware. Not every product has a firmware upgrade, but as Crestron improves
functions, adds new features, and extends the capabilities of its products, firmware
upgrades are posted. To upgrade the firmware, complete the following steps.
Refer to the figures below for a typical connection diagram when upgrading
firmware and a wiring diagram for the STCP-502 interface cable that connects to the
Typical Connection Diagram when Upgrading Firmware