Room Solution Box with Local Video
Operations Guide – DOC. 8161A
Room Solution Box with Local Video: CNXRMCLV
System Views
lower pane displays the PRO2 system tree (refer to graphic on the
next page). This tree can be expanded to display and configure the communications
Expanded PRO2 System Tree
C2Net-Device Slot in Configuration Manager
To incorporate a CNXRMCLV into the system, drag the CNX-RMCLV from the
Cresnet Control Modules | Cresnet Video Modules folder of the
Device Library
drop it in
System Views
. The PRO2 system tree displays the unit in Slot 9, with a
default Net ID of 42 as shown in the following illustration.
The first CNX-RMCLV in a system is preset with a Net ID of 42, when its
symbol is dragged into the upper pane of
System Views
. Additional CNX-RMCLVs
are automatically assigned different Net ID numbers as they are added.
C2Net Device, Slot 9
Setting the Net ID in Device Settings
Double-click the CNX-RMCLV icon to open the “Device Settings” window. This
window displays the CNX-RMCLV device information. If necessary, select the
tab to change the unit’s Net ID, as shown in the following figure.