AM/Weather Band Tuner
AM/Weather Band Tuner:
Features and Functions
The Crestron
C2N-TAMWX is a Crestron-controlled AM/Weather Band tuner
(AMWX Tuner), has a built-in AM antenna, and is designed to work only in
conjunction with the C2N-TFM FM Radio Tuner (FM Tuner) or the C2N-TTVFM
Television and FM Radio Tuner (TV/FM Tuner). The AMWX Tuner adds high-
performance AM radio and NOAA National Weather Radio programming to your
Crestron Home
whole-house audio distribution system.
The AMWX Tuner is designed to work in a 2-Series or X-Generation Crestron
control system (Cresnet
system). You can use any Crestron multi-mode touchpanel
to search through the stations and control tuner functions. User-programmable
presets let you quickly select your favorite station. Audio output from the AMWX
Tuner is supplied to the FM Tuner or TV/FM Tuner and can then be routed to a local
amplifier or to a CNX-BIPAD8 for distribution to other rooms via CAT5 cabling.
Functional Summary
Headphone connector for local monitoring of audio output
during installation
Up to ten presets for AM–five for weather band–for fast
program selection
RJ-45 connector provides link (up to 500 feet) to C2N-
TFM FM Radio Tuner or C2N-TTVFM Television and FM
Radio Tuner for control and audio output
Integrated configuration lets local FM Tuner or TV/FM
Tuner buttons control the AMWX Tuner
Operations Guide - DOC. 6267
AM/Weather Band Tuner: C2N-TAMWX