Operations & Installation Guide - DOC. 6154
Decorator Wall Panels: C2N-DB6/8/12
Network Wiring
Use only Crestron power supplies for Crestron equipment.
Failure to do so could cause equipment damage or void the Crestron
When installing network wiring, refer to the latest revision of the
wiring diagram(s) appropriate for your specific system configuration,
available from the Downloads | Product Manuals | Wiring Diagrams
section of the Crestron website (
For larger networks (i.e., greater than 28 network devices), it
may be necessary to add a Cresnet Hub/Repeater (CNXHUB) to maintain
signal quality throughout the network. Also, for networks with lengthy
cable runs or varying types of network devices, it may be desirable to add
a hub/repeater after only 20 network devices.
When calculating the wire gauge for a particular Cresnet run, the length
of the run and the power factor of each network unit to be connected
must be taken into consideration. If Cresnet units are to be daisy-chained
on the run, the power factor of each unit to be daisy-chained must be
added together to determine the power factor of the entire chain. If the
unit is a home-run from a Crestron system power supply network port,
the power factor of that unit is the power factor of the entire run. The
length of the run in feet and the power factor of the run should be used in
the following resistance equation to calculate the value on the right side
of the equation.
Resistance Equation
R = Resistance (refer to table below).
L = Length of run (or chain) in feet.
PF = Power factor of entire run (or chain).
R < L x PF
The required wire gauge should be chosen such that the resistance value
is less than the value calculated in the resistance equation. Refer to the
table on the next page.