Digital Joystick Camera Controller
Digital Joystick Camera Controller: C2N-CAMIDJ
Operations Guide - DOC. 6341
CAMIDJ Input and Output Signal Descriptions (continued)
Digital input:
Activates the SPEED HIGH feedback indicator for as long as
the input is high.
If used with the CamiDJ Interface, this input will be connected
to the
output of the
module. Activation of the signal indicates that high-speed
positioning mode for focus, zoom, pan, tilt, and speed adjust
functions has been selected.
High/1 (level sensitive) = Activate feedback;
Low/0 = Release feedback
Digital output:
Indicates that the HIGH button (top joystick button) is being
pressed. The output remains high for as long as the HIGH
button is pressed.
If used with the CamiDJ Interface, this output will be
connected to the
of the module. When connected to the CamiDJ Interface, this
output selects high-speed control of focus, pan, tilt, zoom, and
iris manual functions.
High/1 = HIGH button pressed; Low/0 = HIGH button released
Digital input:
Activates the SPEED LOW feedback indicator for as long as
the input is high.
If used with the CamiDJ Interface, this input will be connected
to the
output of the
module. Activation of the signal indicates that low-speed
positioning mode for focus, zoom, pan and tilt control, and
speed adjust functions has been selected.
High/1 (level sensitive) = Activate feedback;
Low/0 = Release feedback
Digital output:
Indicates that the LOW button (bottom joystick button) is
being pressed. The output remains high for as long as the
LOW button is pressed.
If used with the CamiDJ Interface, this output will be
connected to the
of the module. When connected to the CamiDJ Interface, this
output selects low speed control of
pan, tilt, zoom, and
iris manual functions.
High/1 = LOW button pressed; Low/0 = LOW button released
Digital output:
Indicates that the direction of wheel rotation is clockwise. The
output remains high for as long as the direction is clockwise.
If used with the CamiDJ Interface, this output will be
connected to the
of the module.
High/1 = LOW button pressed; Low/0 = LOW button released
Digital output:
Indicates that the direction of wheel rotation is
counterclockwise. The output remains high for as long as the
direction is counterclockwise.
If used with the CamiDJ Interface, this output is connected to
input of the
High/1 = Wheel rotation counterclockwise;
Low/0 = Wheel rotation not counterclockwise
Digital output:
Indicates that the encoder wheel is stopped. The output
remains high for as long as the wheel is not rotating.
If used with the CamiDJ Interface, this output will be
connected to the
input of
the module.
High/1 = Wheel stopped; Low/0 = Wheel rotating
(continued on next page)