Wall Mount Back Box for STX-1700CW
Further Inquiries
If after reviewing this Installation Guide for the BB-1700CW, you cannot locate
specific information or have questions, please take advantage of Crestron's award
winning customer service team by calling:
In the US and Canada, call Crestron’s corporate headquarters at
1-888-CRESTRON [1-888-273-7876].
In Europe, call Crestron International at +32-15-50-99-50.
In Asia, call Crestron Asia at +852-2341-2016.
In Latin America, call Crestron Latin America at +5255-5093-2160.
In Australia and New Zealand, call Crestron Control Solutions at
Future Updates
As Crestron adds improvements to the BB-1700CW, additional information may be
made available as manual updates. These updates are solely electronic and serve as
intermediary supplements prior to the release of a complete technical documentation
Check the Crestron website (www.crestron.com) periodically for manual update
availability and its relevance. Updates are available from the Download | Product
Manuals section and are identified as an “Addendum” in the Download column.
Installation Guide – DOC. 6105
Wall Mount Back Box for STX-1700CW: BB-1700CW