Troubleshooting D-5
Problem with
Surround Mixer
The mixer settings change unexpectedly with every change of super-environment presets.
To solve this problem:
Dissociate the mixer settings.
1. Click the Super-Environment Preset Options icon in the upper right corner of Surround
To dissociate mixer settings, make sure that Dissociate Mixer Settings is checked on the
menu that appears.
SoundFont Cache
There is insufficient memory to load SoundFonts.
This may occur when a SoundFont-compatible MIDI file is loaded or played while insufficient
memory has been allocated to SoundFonts.
To allocate more SoundFont cache:
On the Options tabbed page of the SoundFont Control applet, move the SoundFont Cache
slider to the right.
The amount of SoundFont cache you can allocate depends on the system RAM available.
If there is still insufficient system RAM available:
On the Configure Banks tabbed page of the SoundFont Control applet, select a smaller
SoundFont bank from the Select Bank box.
The smallest SoundFont bank available is 2 MB (2GMGSMT.SF2).
The trade-off of a smaller
SoundFont file is its lower
sound quality.