B-8 SB Emulation in MS-DOS/ Windows 95/98
The SB Live! card includes a few MS-DOS utilities. These utilities require the SB Live! DOS
driver SBEINIT.COM to be loaded.
Use the SBECFG.EXE utility to obtain the hardware settings and the status of the SB Live!
card.Typing SBECFG.EXE at the command prompt displays the following hardware settings:
PCI Hardware Settings: Port, IRQ
Sound Blaster Emulation: Port, IRQ, DMA
MPU-401 Emulation (GM, Roland MT-32/LAPC-1) Emulation: Port
Adlib Emulation: Port
The emulation settings appear only if they are enabled.
Use SBEMIXER.EXE to change the volume levels of the MPU-401 instrument set used on the
SB Live! card. You can use SBEMIXER.EXE from the command line—useful for advanced
users who want to set up batch files with particular volume levels—or within the SBEMIXER
screen. The settings for SBEMIXER.EXE are independent of the Creative Mixer settings in
Windows 95/98.
To set SBEMIXER values in the command line:
At the DOS prompt, type the SBEMIXER command in a single line. Its syntax is:
x] [/W:x] [/C:x] [/M:x] [/?]
where square brackets [ ] denote optional parameters, and:
Synth volume. x can be a value from the range 0 to 127.
Wave volume. x can be a value from the range 0 to 127.
CD audio volume. x can be a value from the range 0 to 127.
Synth MT-32/LAPC-1 mode. For x, 0 is Off, 1 is On.
View a short description of the parameters.