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© Copyright 2018, Creative Playthings

WILL9WPP12-100 Rev C (05-20)

Page 2

•  Skybox Step 17. Wait to install the wall slats on the back 

where the bubble panel will mount, and the side where the 

Swoosh Slide will mount until after installing the bubble 

and slide.

•  Skybox Step 21 & 22. Install the slats in reverse orientation 

so the opening is on the opposite side. Install the ladder 

aligned with the opening.

• Ignore the special instructions regarding mounting with 

play floors in the Skybox instructions. A different method 

will be used.

• Install the 9ft Swing Beam. Instructions are in carton 


• Install the Skybox Play Floor (SC904-800Q) and the 

Williamsburg Play Floor (SC908-800Q) using the method 

found in the Skybox Play Floor instructions on Page 3 titled 

"Install the Skybox Play Floor adjacent to a gym with a Play 

Floor." Some parts of the Williamsburg Play Floor will be 

cut to fit.

•  Install the Skybox Wood Roof (SJ926-810).

•  Install the Gable Fans (SM964-402).

•  Install the 

Bubble Panel 



) and the wall slats on 

either side.

•  Install the 14ft Swoosh Slide using the instructions in the 

Swoosh Slide pack (50398-700). Install the wall slats on 

either side.

•  Using a ladder, install the Dormers (SM963-402) in the po-

sitions shown. Ladder access may be obstructed by later 


•  Install the Play Walls (SC907-800Q).

•  Install the Rock Climbing Wall (AH201-102Q) at the back 

of the main tower as shown above.

•  Install the Ice Cream Stand (63081-102) at the end of the 

Skybox tower as shown above.

•  Set the access ladder and slide as shown in the picture on 

the preceding page. Check spacing.

•  Fasten access brackets to the 


 of the ladder rails. 

Secure the access ladder using the method shown in step 

17 of the Williamsburg instructions.

•  Fasten the Access Ladder Handles (AG942-400) to the Ac-

cess Ladder.

•  Install the slide mount and slide using the method shown in 

steps 23 and 24 of the Williamsburg instructions.

• Install wall slats in the postions shown in images above 

and on page 1, using the methods from the Williamsburg 

Instructions. Gaps must be narrower than 3-1/2" or wider 

than 9" to prevent potential head entrapment.

•  Mount one hand grip to the entrance wall slat between the 

ladder and the slide on the front of the gym. Mount the 

other hand grip to the adjacent post at the same height, 

using 1/4 x 1-1/2" lag screws and 1/4" flat washers. Drill 

3/16" diameter pilot holes for the lag screws.

• Mount one Slide Handle (AG943-400) above the Super 

Wave Slide and one above the Swoosh Slide.

• Double-check all fasteners are secure and all recessed 

hardware is covered by hole caps.

Rock Climber

Swing Beam

Swoosh Slide

Gable Fan

Bubble Panel




Play Walls
