CLS Manuals
CLS Atmosphere LED-panel
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CLS Manuals
CLS RGB LED Par Controller
Pressing a selected chase button a second time will disengage the relevant chase. Adjust the “MASter”
fader to set the overall output intensity.
Adjust the “SPeeD” and “FADe” faders to manually set a desired chase speed and fade percentage.
You can also press the “tAP SYNC” button twice continually to set a desired chase speed. the tAP SYNC LeD
will flash at the rate that it was pressed.
recorD MoDe
to enter record Mode : Press and hold the "reCorD" button and sequentially press "Colour PreSet"
buttons 1, 6, 8, 1, 6, 8 then release the "reCorD" button. the reCorD LeD indicator will turn oN, indicating
that reCorD mode is engaged.
• Connect the controller’s DMX output to the DMX input of your first LeD rGb fixture in line. Connect the
DMX output of the first fixture to the input of the next fixture. repeat this until each fixture is connected
to the DMX line. You can connect 32 fixture’s to a single DMX output, for more fixture’s a DMX splitter is
• Set the fixture to the correct addresses on the fixture’s, the controller sends 3 rgb channels per fixture, so
the addressing should be like 1,4,7,10,13,16 etc.
• bLACKoUt mode is active by default. When first powering on the controller, the "bLACKoUt" LeD will
light. Press the "bLACKoUt" button once to turn the output on. the “blackout” LeD should go oFF.
• After the first use, the controller will remember its last state before being shut off.
colour, colour preset and chase playback
1. Manual Setting of the desired Colour: Adjust the red, Green, blue & Master faders to set a scene as
2. Colour preset: Select a “Colour Preset” by pressing one or more buttons in the Colour Presets section.
Press the "PAGe" button to switch between colour preset pages 1 and 2. When “PAGe 1" LeD is on, colour
presets 1-8 are accessible; when "PAGe 2" LeD is on, colour presets 9-16 are accessible. When a colour
preset is selected, its LeD will keep flashing. Press the same colour preset number button to turn it off. You
can also manually adjust the reD, GreeN and bLUe faders to temporarily edit the current colour. Adjust the
"MASter" fader to set the overall output intensity.
3. Select a "CHASe” by pressing buttons 1-8 in the Chases section. When a chase is selected, its LeD
indicator will keep flashing. other chases can be selected and will playback in a sequential fashion. When
additional chases are selected, each relevant Chase LeD will illuminate until it becomes its turn to playback
in the sequence.
note: Default chases will not accept fade control. fade control will only work with custom
(user-created) chases.