CLS Manuals
CLS Atmosphere LED-panel
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CLS Manuals
CLS RGB LED Par Controller
• rGb LeD Controller
• Grand Master fader
• 16 Colour Presets
• Speed & Fade faders for Chase Control
• 8 Preset Chases
• record Function to record colours and Chases
• Strobe function
• Power failure memory
• Individual rGb channel Faders
product layout
1 red, Green and blue Faders: For manually setting the intensity of each colour.
2 MASter Fader: For manual control of total intensity.
3 record button: to engage record mode and record colour presets and chases.(record code needed)
4 Strobe button: to trigger the strobe function at any time during playback.
5 tAP SYNC button: Press twice during Chase play back to set Chase speed.
6 black out button: Press the black out button to set all channels to 0.
7 SPeeD Fader: For manual control of the chase speed during playback.
8 FADe Fader: For manual control of the chase fade time during playback.
9 PAGe 1/2 LeD indicators: Indicates the active Colour Preset page. When page 1 LeD is on, presets 1-8 are
active. When Page 2 led is on, presets 9-16 are active.
10 PAGe button: to switch between Colour Preset page 1 and 2.
11 Colour preset buttons and LeD indicators 1-8: Use these buttons to trigger colour presets.
12 Chase buttons and LeD indicators 1-8: Use these buttons to trigger Chases.
record custom colour presets
1. enter record mode as described above.
2. Adjust the reD,GreeN, bLUe & MASter faders to set the Colour Scene as desired.
3. Press a Colour PreSet button that you wish to save the scene to. repeat step 2 and 3 to save additional
Colour Presets / Scenes.
4. Press the “bLACKoUt” button twice to exit reCorD MoDe.
record custom chases
Up to 8 chases can be programmed, each of which can store up to 20 scenes / steps.
Note: When recording custom chases, relevant factory chases will be erased.
1. engage record mode as described on page 5.
2. Press the "CHASe" button (1-8) that you want to record to.