The latter mode is good for those of us that may have to leave the room and
want to know what the maximum value was during the transfer. There is an
internal jumper that can be changed to select either options. The default mode is
memory/infinity hold. The jumper to change this is inside the unit, and is labeled
PK HOLD. If you want to change this, disconnect the power before removing the
top cover.
The Over LEDs light on detecting a digital overload. This is generated by the
DSP. The Over indicator will respond from the analog input when the process is
selected as analog or A/D. The Over indicator will respond to the digital source
when the process is selected as digital or D/A. Cranesong defines a digital over
as a single sample overload.
HEDD QUANTUM can be used for many different tasks. It can be operated in
the following modes:
• full analog in / analog out
• full digital in / digital out
• A/D and D/A convertors with the signal processor operation attached to
either convertor.
It can be across the stereo bus of a console feeding a digital device or have an
analog output.
It can be used as the A/D convertor and D/A convertor in the studio. You can
even use it to convert to analog for processing and then back to digital. HEDD
QUANTUM is also useful for tracking and mixing. It will allow you to do
amazing things to individual tracks. HEDD QUANTUM also holds a high position
in the mastering world as a convertor or as a digital in / digital out processor.
This unit opens up a new world of signal processing.