By turning the Monitor Blend control fully anti-clockwise to its Mix position, the 28
segment LED meter will display the input level status of the stereo A/D converter
for the mix bus - allowing you to set the ideal level for the maximum signal-to-noise
ratio when printing the mix into the DAW. Using the Mix Level and Pan controls, set
your summed mix to be as ‘hot’ as possible without clipping the meter to achieve
the best A/D performance.
Summing Mixer Expansion Via C.A.S.T. LINK
The C.A.S.T. LINK port on the rear panel of 500R8 can be
connected to the corresponding C.A.S.T. LINK port on
500ADAT to double the channel count of available
analogue summing from 8 to 16 channels.
The C.A.S.T. LINK connection receives a stereo analogue
signal (RR) from 500ADAT whilst simultaneously
transmitting a stereo analogue signal (TT) via the same
shielded Cat5 cable. Those four audio paths are broken
down as follows:
Receive 1 + 2
Recieves 500ADAT’s Stereo Summing Mixer
The two receive paths of the C.A.S.T. LINK connector featuring 500ADAT’s Summing
Mixer output are combined with 500R8’s own Summing Mixer and sent directly to USB
Inputs 9/10 and physical Mix Outputs of 500R8. In this configuration, 500ADAT doubles
the system’s Summing Mixer channels to 16.
The same two receive paths of the C.A.S.T. LINK connector featuring 500ADAT’s
Summing Mixer output are also sent into 500R8’s Aux and Monitor Blend controls to
enable musicians to monitor all inputs connected to both devices. In this configuration,
500R8’s Aux and Monitor Blend controls can be turned anti-clockwise to their ‘Mix’
positions to monitor both 500R8’s and 500ADAT’s Summing Mixers simultaneously.
Transmit 1 + 2
Transmits 500R8’s Stereo Aux Bus (Post Aux Blend control, Post Talkback, Pre Aux Level)
The two transmit paths of the C.A.S.T. LINK connector feature 500R8’s Aux Mix and are
sent into 500ADAT’s Aux 1 and Aux 2 Blend controls to enable musicians connected to
500ADAT to monitor 500R8’s Summing Mixer and blend that with 500ADAT’s local
Summing Mixer.
The transmit paths feature 500R8’s Aux bus post Aux Blend control and also include
500R8’s Talkback signal to enable the engineer to communicate with musicians
connected to 500ADAT using 500R8’s Talkback facility.
500R8 User Manual
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Cranborne Audio Ltd