It will be necessary to purge the recovery tank of non-condensable gases (NCG’s). The
NCG’s are picked up from leaks in a/c systems when performing the Recovery
Function. The best time to check for purging is first thing in the morning before using
the unit or 30 minutes after the last Recovery operation. The following is a step by step
of the air purge procedure:
1. Read the tank temperature via the provided
magnetic thermometer.
2. Read the pressure on the purge valve
assembly mount on the tank.
3. Use the NCG’s purge table below to
determine if the refrigerant in the
recovery tank needs to be
purged of NCG’s. See Examples 1 and 2.
4. If purging is required:
A. Open the purge valve for 15 seconds to vent the
NCG’s. Then close valve.
B. Read purge gauge to see if the pressure of the
tank falls below the NCG Gases purge table.
If no, repeat step 4A
Example 1
R-134 Tank Temperature = 76 F
R-134 Tank Pressure = 86 psig
Maximum Pressure (from Table)= 90.3
No NCG purging required.
Example 2
R-134 Tank Temperature = 88 F
R-134 Tank Pressure = 120 psig
Maximum Pressure (from Table)= 110.7 psig
Purge NCG’s until Tank Pressure is
below 110.7 psig.
Recycling Maintenance - NCG Purge Procedure