201055 - DETAchAbLE hOSE REEL
5. Using a 6 mm (15/64 in.) drill bit, drill pilot holes
approximately 6.4 cm (2.5 in.) deep centered on the marks
you made in step 4.
6. Hang the mounting rail with the lag screws.
Install Mounting clips
1. Position the mounting rail on the wall at a convenient height.
2. Use a bubble level to ensure the mounting rail is horizontal.
3. Mark hole centre locations on the wall.
4. Remove hose reel.
5. Using a 10 mm (25/64 in.) drill bit, drill pilot holes
approximately 4.1 cm (1
in.) deep centered on the marks
you made in step 3.
6. Push plastic anchors into the holes.
7. Rehang hose reel.
8. Drive screws into plastic anchors tightly with a screwdriver.
crank Assembly
1. Assemble the crank on to the hose reel as shown.
2. Secure with the crank screw.