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4 m
recommends anchoring them to third-party structures using suitable supports. (fig. D) The
connection pipes must not have a diameter smaller than that of the pump outlets and must be
installed perpendicularly and well centered with respect to the pump connection, to prevent the
pump and the pipe from being subjected to improper stress. In case of direct suction via basin
piping, check that the suction piping is perfectly hermetic and completely immersed, at least for
half a meter, in order to avoid the formation of vortices. The use of foot valves with strainer at the
head of the suction pipe is recommended. The diameter of the delivery pipe must be sized in order
to comply with the design flow rate and pressure at the outlet point. The suction pipe must be
installed with a slight inclination of 2% towards the pump, in order to avoid the formation of air
pockets. It is recommended to use a non-return valve between the delivery port and the flow
control valve in order to avoid dangerous water hammer in the event of a sudden stop of the
pump. This recommendation becomes mandatory in the event that the water delivery column is
longer than twenty meters. (fig. E)
fig. D
fig. E
The electrical installation must be performed by a qualified professional in compliance with the
technical and safety regulations in force. It is recommended to use an H07 RN-F type
connection cable with a section suitable for the electric consumption of the pump motor and
the number of conductors required for the number of motor phases, plus the grounding cable.
The single-phase motors are equipped with thermo-amperometric protection: they are
connected directly to the power supply network. The three-phase motors must be protected
with an automatic switch (eg. Magnetothermic) calibrated to the plate data of the electric
pump. Install a high sensitivity differential switch (0.03A) as additional protection.
Observe the connection diagram below: