3-1-3-5. Power saving load
Input Saving Power
Saving Wake up
SE200 / SE350
>30 VA
Table 14. SE series power saving load
3-2. Rear Panel Introduction
Figure 8. SE series rear panel view
SE Series Rear Panel
DC Input Terminal
Green Terminal
Remote Port (RJ-11)
Chassis Ground
Table 15. SE series rear panel introduction
3-2-1. DC Input Terminal
The DC cables should be as short as possible (less than 6 feet / 1.8
meters ideally)
The size of the cable should be thick enough to limit the voltage
drop to less than 2% when carrying the maximum input current to
prevent frequent low-input voltage warnings, and shutdown.
The following sizes of cables and fuses are recommended distance
(<6 ft.) between the batteries and the inverter.
Wire AWG
Inline fuse
SE200-112 / 212
30 A
SE200-124 / 224
15 A
SE350-112 / 212