Loc 17
Software error inside the
command board
Replace the command and control board.
Loc 18
Flame present 10
seconds after gas valve
is closed
Replace the gas valve or the command and control
Loc 19
Flame present before
Replace the gas valve or the command and control
Loc 20
Flame lost three times
Control: that the ionisation current is at a value over 4
(follow the procedure in chapter 8.13)
Control: that the exhaust flue system is not being
affected by high gusts of wind or nearby mechanically
operated fans
If the ionisation current is not over 4, the CO2 must be
checked (follow chapter 6.8) and restore the correct
value. Check the ionisation electrode and replace it if
necessary. Check the integrity of the ionisation current
electric circuit cables.
If a horizontal exhaust flue terminal is exposed to
unusually high wind conditions or nearby mechanically
operated fans then a suitable deflection shield or
protection should be considered or an alternative
location should be considered. The same approch
should be taken for a vertical exhaust flue and in
addiction, ceck that downdraughts are not being
encountered due to the proximity of higher roof profiles.
Loc 21
Not applicable
Loc 22
Not applicable
Loc 23
The D.H.W. outlet
sensors measure the dif-
ferent temperatures for
more than 60 seconds.
Check that the electrical resistance of the two sensors
match the graphics in chapter 8.15;
If one of the two or both sensors do not have correct
values, they must be replaced;
Loc 24
The exhaust flue
sensors measure the dif-
ferent temperatures for
more than 60 seconds.
Check that the electrical resistance of the two
exhaust flue sensors match the graphics in paragra
ph 8.15
If one of the two sensors does not match the double
exhaust flue sensor must be replaced
Loc 25
Non applicable
Loc 26
Non applicable
Loc 27
Software error inside the
command board
Replace the command and control board.
Loc 28
Software error inside the
command board
Replace the command and control board.
7 - USE