Calgary, Alberta
uDL2 Configuration and Operation Guide
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Figure 22 Overcurrent Detector Retries Configuration Dialog
To enable automatic reconnect retries, set the ‘Overcurrent Reconnect Retries Enabled’ check box. The four values
shown set the delay between retries, in seconds. If a delay entry is set to a value of 0, that retry delay is skipped.
Care should be taken in using this capability as the current path relay and sense resistor will degrade with each over-
current disconnection event. The number of retries and the delays should be tailored to minimize the number of over-
current events. By default, the unit is set to 300s (5min), 900s (15min), 1800s (30min), and 3600s (1hour) between
reconnection attempts. Also by default, the reconnect retries feature is disabled.
For each automatic reconnection attempt that fails due to overcurrent still being present, a marker will be placed in the
datalogger memory. If a reconnect attempt is successful (i.e. current back to normal levels), the retry counter is reset.
CH2 Potential Mode
When in potential mode, the second potential point can be measured for both DC and AC values by checking the
appropriate boxes. The “Inv. Polarity” checkbox can be set if it is desirable for data to be recorded with opposite signs.
This option only affects the DC readings. Potential readings are always made in volts. Temperature Sampling
The uDL2 may be configured to measure temperature at the configured sampling interval. Temperature may be logged
in either Celsius or Fahrenheit units. Time Display
The uDL2 can be configured to display the current time during the initial 60 seconds after the analog cable is attached
and for 5 seconds after the analog cable is removed. After the analog cable is attached, the display will cycle through
the measurement data and the time for 60 seconds. Time is shown in 12 hour format with an ‘A’ in the lower right of
the display indicating AM times. To enable this feature, check the ‘Enabled’ box.
The time may be displayed in UTC or local time. Click on the corresponding radio button to select the display time
type. For local time, the time zone of the configuration PC is used to select time zone offset for the uDL2 display. Notes
The “Notes” section allows the user to enter freeform text. This text is inserted into the start of the exported CSV file.
A maximum of 100 characters can be entered into this field. GPS
The “GPS” section allows setting GPS synchronization. The “Require GPS Time Lock To Start Sampling” forces the
uDL2 to wait until accurate time is received from the GPS satellites before starting data recording after the analog cable
is inserted. This option would be checked when high accuracy time stamps are needed on the measurement points.
When checked, the “Disable Long Term GPS Time Synchronization” option stops the uDL2 from periodically turning
on the GPS receiver to maintain accurate time. This option would be enabled to save power when high accuracy timing
is not required for a particular measurement session. The uDL2 will attempt to synchronize the internal clock to the
GPS signal every hour if this option is not enabled.
In addition, with firmware v1.06 and higher, it is also possible to apply a limit check to the position accuracy of the GPS
receiver before a latitude/longitude position is logged by the uDL2. To enable this functionality, check the box labelled
“Enabled Minimum EHPE Validation For Position”. The minimum estimated horizontal position estimate (EHPE) limit
can then be entered, in meters, in the box labelled “Min EHPE (m)”. The limit must be between 3.0 and 200.0 meters.