Viper Service Manual
Publication Number: 621260373SER
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© 2008-2016, Cornelius Inc.
A wake up time must be programmed after the sleep period to return the unit to normal operation. Cornelius rec-
ommends programming the wake up time for approximately 20 minutes before the product is needed. This is the
time recommended if the ambient temperature is at 75°F. The times will vary depending on the ambient tempera-
ture (a higher ambient temperature requires more time for the product to cool).
Viscosity Setting
The control system includes a function to select the desired product viscosity. This function is referred to as “Vis-
cosity Setting”. There are selectable viscosity ranges from 1-9. The higher the number selected, the more viscous
the frozen product in the barrel becomes. This increased viscosity is achieved by freezing the product in the bar-
rel to a lower temperature thereby increasing ice crystal size/growth. As the ice crystal size increases, however,
there is potential for product quality to diminish.
Cornelius recommends that the viscosity settings be set at the lowest possible setting to achieve the desired
drink quality. In most typical installations using a sugar-based syrup, acceptable drink quality can be achieved by
programmed viscosity settings in the range of 3-5 for Viper.
Diet FCB syrups freeze much more readily than sugar based syrups, so the viscosity setting should be selected
at the minimum value available (which is 1 or 2 for the Viper).
The following table, Table 10, describes the basic procedure for starting the Viper. Refer to the Operator’s Manual
(P/N 621260373OPS) for details on operation of the Viper unit.
Table 32.
Open the merchandiser
Open the merchandiser and expose the control
Turn on the barrels
Turn all barrels on by pressing the buttons labeled
ON to start the normal refrigeration process.
Close the merchandiser.
Close the merchandiser. In approximately 20 min-
utes, product is ready to serve.