20. Clean the inside and outside of the seal housing with
a spray lubricant or light oil and set aside. Polish with
emery paper if needed.
21. Next remove the rear casing O-ring with an O-ring pick.
22. Clean the groove in the casing by rinsing with a
spray lubricant.
23. At this time, rotate the shaft with your fingers. If there
is any roughness in the bearings or it slides in and out,
the motor or frame bearing may need to be replaced.
24. Before you reassemble the pump, now is a good time
to clean the front of the casing and the back of the
cover mating surfaces. Gently file or use emery cloth
to remove paint, rust and dirt from the surfaces. Then,
make sure you have cleaned all parts and surfaces
with a spray lubricant or light oil.
25. The first step of reassembly is to install the new O-ring in
the back of the pump casing. Begin by feeding the O-ring
into the groove and work it around with your fingers or a
flat head screwdriver until it is fully seated. Spray with a
light lubricant and wipe clean. Lubricating the O-ring will
help with the installation of the seal housing.
26. Next, install the new seal seat inside the seal housing.