Apendix B: Glossary
Corinex Wireless to Powerline AP
Bridge/Router -
A device that can provide the functions of bridge, router,
or concurrently both. Bridge/router can route one or more protocols, such
as TCP/IP and/or XNS, and bridge all other traffic.
- A data-transmission scheme in which the multiple signals
share the bandwidth of a medium. This allows the transmission of voice,
data, and video signals over a single medium. Cable television uses
broadband techniques to deliver dozens of channels over one cable.
- A browser is an application program that provides a way to look
at and interact with all the information on the World Wide Web or PC.
The word "browser" seems to have been originated prior to the Web as a
generic term for user interfaces that let you browse the text files online.
et) - An infrastructure network connecting wireless
devices to a wired network by using a single access point.
- A storage area used for handling data in transit. Buffers are often
used to compensate with differences in processing speed between network
- A fundamental unit that computer uses in its operation. It is a
group of adjacent binary digits, usually 8, often used to represent a single
Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection (CSMA/CD)
A channel access mechanism wherein devices wishing to transmit first
check the channel for a carrier. If no carrier is sensed for some period
of time, devices can transmit. If two devices transmit simultaneously, a
collision occurs and is detected by all colliding devices, which subsequently
delays their retransmissions for some random length of time. CSMA/CD
access is used by Ethernet /IEEE 802.3 and HomePlug.
- A database is a collection of organized data so that its contents
can easily be accessed, managed, and updated.
Data Packet
- One frame in a packet-switched message. Most data
communications are based on division of transmitted message into the
packets. For example, an Ethernet packet can be from 64 to 1518 bytes in