Setup of Access Point SNMP Powerline Agent...
Corinex Wireless to Powerline AP
3.10 Setup of Access Point SNMP Powerline Agent on the OPM
Management Station*
Corinex Open Powerline Management
is a powerful and versatile network
management software tool that allows the operators to configure, monitor
and test all powerline devices across their entire network.
Corinex Open
Powerline Management
is based on SNMP (Simple Network Management
Protocol) - a standard protocol for enhanced management and testing
of communication devices. The management is independent from any
hardware configuration and as a failure-free system it is designed for
future network expansion with support for HomePlug® standard certified
Powerline devices. The
Corinex Open Powerline Management
answers wide - ranged needs of service providers, when they expand their
services based upon the new Powerline devices in the network.
Corinex Open Powerline Management
(OPM) offers easy to use and intuitive
step-by-step navigation for an authorized user or a network administrator
and gives users easier implementation by installing Powerline Agents within
a powerline network. We suppose you have the OPM already installed, and
then we refer you to the OPM User and Installation Guide.
To add a Access Point’s agent into the OPM running on the management
station PC you need to start the OPM wizard by clicking
button in the
OPM main window (fig. 3.35) to start Add wizard.
Fig. 3.35 Corinex Open Management Main Window
If you want to have an SNMP capable device, get the necessary information on our web site
: Go to the section
and from the product list choose the Wireless
to Powerline Access Point.