1. General
This document is intended for the installer and final user.
Therefore, after plant installation and start-up, ensure that
this document has been delivered to the final user or
managing supervisor of the plant.
Cordivari boilers Piastraterm have been designed and
constructed for the production and storage of sanitary hot
water by means of a external heat exchanger on the
boiler, powered by sources of thermal energy of various
types (Heat generator, Heat Pump, Solar panel) which use
water as a thermal carrier liquid.
Boilers Piastraterm are indicated for installations where
there is a high demand for sanity hot water and that needs
a tank with a high exchangeable power/volume storage
ratio, due to its peculiarities.
Basically, boilers Piastraterm are composed of:
One accumulation tank which has an accumulation
One plate heat exchanger
One circulation group for sanitary hot water
All related joints and connections
Any use of this product which is not in accordance with
information indicated in this document shall release the
manufacturer from all liability and will void all aspects of
the guarantee.
2. Condizioni di esercizio
maximum operating temperatures and pression
please refer to the data plate installed on the equipment.
The maximum operating temperatures reported in this
document and on the equipment data plate are to be
understood as maximum resistance temperatures in the
internal covering of the boilers. The maximum temperature
of use must respect national norms regarding energy
Water features
Piastraterm boilers are subjected to problems in presence
of water with high tendency to create calcareous deposits.
In this regards, it is reminded that such a tendency to
create calcareous deposits depends on the hartness of
water (normally indicated in French degrees). However,
this is not the only parameter to be considered since PH
and temperature also play an important role.
In general with sanitary hot water production plants, follow
norms and local regulations regarding water treatment in
accordance with characteristics. The guarantee does not
cover any damages derived from failure to comply with the
aforementioned prescriptions.
3. D.H.W. Accumulation Tank
The Accumulation Tank described in this document have
been constructed in compliance with directive 97/23/CE
(PED) relative to pressure equipment with contained liquid
and according to operating conditions provided for
use.Vaso Inerziale
Category identification (Directive 97/23/CE)
The entire range of Cordivari boilers have lower levels
than the threshold values described as follows:
• Receptacle for water containment (group 2) with a vapour
pressure at maximum permitted temperature less than 0.5
bar over normal atmospheric pressure (1033 mbar),
maximum operating pressure PS > 10 bar, product PSxV >
10,000 [bar x L], PS > 1000 bar;
•Piping for water containment (group 2) with vapour
pressure at maximum permitted temperature less 0.5 bar
over normal atmospheric pressure (1033 mbar), maximum
operating pressure PS > 10 bar, diameter DN > 200 and
product PS x DN < 5000 [bar xmm].
Therefore, all Cordivari boilers, in accordance with Art.3.3.
and as shown in attached tables 4 and 5, must not be CE
marked. However, Cordivari S.r.l. guarantees standard
manufacturing procedure as established by the directive
(according to Quality management and quality assurance
standards UNI EN ISO 9001:2000
UNI EN 14001:2004)
which ensures user safety and manufacturer identification.
4. Plate heat exchanger and circulation group
For a correct use and maintenance of these components
please refer to the related booklet provided with the
5. Installation and maintenance
Boilers Piastraterm must always be installed sheltered
from atmospheric agents, on adequately solid bases and,
before any connections are made, making sure that there
is sufficient space for exchanger, magnesium anode and
resistance extraction.
Verify the presence of magnesium anodes upon
For a correct use of Piastraterm boilers it is
necessary to connect the equipment to the electricity
supply network of the circulation group supplied with
the product. Normally, it is recommended to connect
the circulation group to the electricity supply network
through a switch and keep it on all the time (without
the use of any thermostat) in order to avoid
Pmax = 12 Bar
Tmax= 99°C
1000 lt Pmax = 8 Bar
>1000 lt Pmax = 6 Bar
Tmax= 90°C
CORDIVARI srl • Z. I. Pagliare 64020 Morro D'Oro (TE) • Italy • Tel.
+39 - Fax +39
Cod. Fisc. / Part. IVA e Reg. Imp. TE 00735570673 -
R.E.A. TE N. 92310 • Cap. Soc. € 4.000.000,00 i.v.
UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 -
UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 • www.cordivari.it
BS_038 Rev_1 del 10-2014_PIASTRATERM.doc