Using the thermostat to turn the heating and cooling system off
Here’s how to use the thermostat to turn the heating and cooling system off or switch between the system modes.
1. Touch the HEAT/COOL button repeatability until the desired option has the applicable icon over the text at the top of the screen. (Aux
Heat, Heat, Cool, Auto or Off). Not all names may be available based on the heating and cooling equipment installed.
2. After 10 seconds of inactivity the screen will return to the Home Screen accepting the mode selected, or press DONE to exit to Home
See instruction for air circulation fan feature under Advanced Programming.
Using the fan button on the Home Screen
The fan distributes the heated or cooled air throughout your home for a more even temperature in all spaces. You can set the thermostat so that
the fan runs only during your heating and cooling cycles (auto mode), or run continuously (On).
1. Touch FAN. The current fan mode will be displayed. If you wish to toggle between ON or AUTO use the Up/Dn arrows.
2. After 10 seconds of inactivity the screen will return to the Home Screen accepting the Fan mode selected, or press DONE to exit to
Home Screen.
See instruction for air circulation fan feature under Advanced Programming.
Using Auxiliary Heat (heat pump systems only)
Auxiliary Heat is useful when the heat pump system can’t keep up with demand. Systems with heat pumps automatically use auxiliary heat
when it’s too cold outside to heat the house without additional help. The display indicator for this is at the top of the screen with the text “aux
heat” and a flame above the words when actively heating.
You can manually turn on the aux heat but you will want to avoid using Auxiliary Heat exclusively, because electric resistance heat is the
most expensive option.
If you have a Hybrid heat system and the auxiliary heat is a gas furnace then it will be desirable to run auxiliary heat below a specific outdoor
temperature due to energy cost preferences. Your dealer will have setup your system for Hybrid Heat with the best auxiliary heat settings. And
of course, if you suspect a problem with your heat pump, call your heating and cooling dealer immediately.
Setting your thermostat to Auxiliary Heat
1. Touch HEAT/COOL button until there is a flame over “aux heat” at the top of the screen.
2. After 10 seconds of inactivity the screen will return to the Home Screen accepting the Aux Heat Mode, or press DONE to exit to
Home Screen.