Password setting
1. There are three sets of passwords.
(1) Password: Administrator password; to access the configuration
(2) Net Pass Password: to monitor remotely.
(3) Dial-In Password: to access LINUX MPEG4 Security Video
Server via modem dial-in.
2. The three sets of passwords are default to 1111.
3. Change
(1) Click the diamond icon to select the input box, Using the on
screen keyboard enter a new password.
(2) The cancel button can be used to clear the input.
(3) You must fill in the same password string in “Confirm” to make
sure the input is correct.
4. Click on the red disk icon on the top right corner to save the setting.
Jobs schedule
There are 7 rows and 24 columns in the schedule table, which represent 7
days and 24 hours.
Every grid has 3 options to select:
2.1 o represents “fully record”
2.2 x represents “no record”
2.3 * represents “motion detection record”
Click on the red disk icon on the top right corner to save the setting.