1. Introduction
9752 Installation Guide
Page 2
497098 Issue 3
Features of the Control Unit
The control unit provides:
° Connections for 8 Fully Supervised Loop (FSL) zones or 8 Closed Circuit
Loop (CCL) zones with a common tamper.
Separate expander units enable a further 24 zones to be connected: a
combination of wired and radio expanders can be used.
° Connections for 3 fully programmable panel outputs.
° A connector for downloading from a local PC.
° A 4-wire bus for keypads, a keyswitch and hardwired or radio expanders.
° Internal sounder loudspeaker output with Chime, Alarm, Fire and Entry/Exit
tones (the volume of the Entry/Exit and Chime tones can be adjusted).
° Built-in communicator for reporting to an Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC).
° 8 programmable plug-by outputs (for connecting a standalone
communication device).
° Alarm Abort and Alarm Confirmation outputs (to reduce the likelihood of
false alarms).
° Facility to download from a remote PC via a telephone line.
° Support for a range of European countries and languages.
° Fully programmable operation for zones, levels and partitions.
° Flexible reporting formats and communication configurations.
° Installer-programmable Engineer and Guard Codes.
° Support for up to 50 separate users.
User facilities include:
° 4 different security levels, which can be programmed by the Installer either
as a full set and 3 part sets, or as 4 independent partitions.
° Proximity tag reader for setting and unsetting the system.
° Dual key alarms from the keypads (Panic Alarm, Medical and Fire).
° Remote Panic Alarm input to 9940 keypad.
° Remote set/unset when using a radio expander.
° User-programmable Duress Code.
Test facilities include:
° 700-entry event log.
° Output test commands.
° Engineer walk test command.