Sheet 10 of 14
The following table describes the switch and jumper settings on the SP4-RMX
Table 1:
Switch and Jumper Descriptions
Switches Remarks
SW1 – SP40/SPB Select
Selects SP40 or SPB use
S1 - Priority
ON – Sets priority order of RM1, RM2, RM3.
OFF – Sets remote microphones for first in use, first out.
S2 – Not Used
For future use. Leave in ON position.
S3 – Gang Mode
OFF – Gang mode. Both SP4-RMX modules set to OFF.
ON – Single SP4-RMX module.
SW3 – RM Input Select
ON – Selects Corresponding RM input.
OFF – proper position when RM input not used.
Jumper Remarks
J1 – AUX Input Voltage
Set for SP40S.
Set for audio output of SP40S during SPB mode.
The SP4-RMX is capable of expanding the remote microphone capabilities of the SP40S and SPB audio boosters. In SP40 mode,
each SP4-RMX provides the capability of connecting and supervising up to three SPRM emergency remote microphone modules. In
SPB mode, the SPRM-GP (General Page Remote Microphones) must be used. These microphones are for general pages only. These
pages are non-emergency messages. Any trouble condition on the SPRM modules, input and output wiring will light the system
trouble LED indicator and one of the trouble location LED indicators. Follow the trouble shooting procedures if these LED indicators
are lit.
When the SP4-RMX is used to expand the remote microphone modules for the SP40S, it is connected to the AUX IN on the SP40S.
The priority selection of the remote microphone modules will be after the SP40S onboard microphone (Priority 1). The priorities of
the SPRM modules of a second SP4-RMX gang connected to the first will follow the priorities of the SPRM modules connected to the
first SP4-RMX.