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CO O K  ( CA N A DA )   I N C .

111 Sandiford Drive, Stouffville, Ontario, L4A 7X5 CANADA
Phone: 905.640.7110, Toll Free: 800.668.0300

W I L L I A M  A .  CO O K AU ST R A L I A  PTY.  LT D.

Brisbane Technology Park, 12 Electronics Street, Eight Mile Plains
Brisbane, QLD 4113 AUSTRALIA, Phone: +61 7 38 41 11 88

W I L L I A M   CO O K  E U R O P E  A p S

Sandet 6, DK-4632, Bjaeverskov, DENMARK, Phone: +45 56 86 86 86


 COOK 2008 









WO M E N ’ S   H E A LT H



1. Introduce fi lter/sheath assembly

Insert the fi lter catheter into the introducer 
sheath and 

Luer lock

 it into position. The

tip of the fi lter catheter will then extend 
approximately 1.5 cm beyond the tip of the 
sheath.  While performing hand injections of 
contrast medium through the fi lter catheter 
sidearm, the fi lter catheter/introducer sheath 
assembly can be properly positioned to initi-
ate fi l ter placement. 

When using a femoral 

approach, position the fi lter catheter tip just 
below (caudad to) the renal veins.

2. Pull fi lter/sheath

Loosen the Tuohy-Borst valve and, while hold-
ing the wire guide pusher stationary, withdraw 
the fi lter catheter/introducer sheath assembly 
to the mark on the wire guide pusher. This 
movement will expose the distal anchoring 
hooks. Fluoroscopically, this corresponds to 
the position of the junction point of the hook 
wires remaining just within the tip of the fi lter 
catheter. If this can be clearly visualized with 
fl uoroscopy, the mark can be ignored.


: At the end of the fi lter, the V-shaped 

hook wire struts are readily visible, but fi lter wires 
are too fi ne to be identifi ed fl uoroscopically.

3. Anchor hooks


 advance the fi lter catheter/introducer 

sheath assembly one time, 1-3 mm, to secure 
the hooks to the vena cava wall.

Be certain junction point of distal pair of hooks 
is in catheter tip when positioning these hooks 
into caval wall. If there is uncertainty regarding 
hook fi xation, the catheter may be advanced 
up over the hook wires to the edge of the hooks. 
The catheter may then be repositioned, and 
the fi lter placement re-initiated in a slightly 
different caval orientation or level.

CAUTION: Overly forceful or multiple jabs 
with the fi lter catheter/introducer sheath 
assembly could result in perforation of the 
wall of the inferior vena cava by the exposed 
hooks and struts of the fi lter.

4. Pull fi lter/sheath

Again, hold the wire guide pusher stationary 
and withdraw the fi lter catheter/introducer 
sheath assembly 1-3 cm. This will facilitate 
subsequent passage of the fi lter wires through 
the tip of the fi lter catheter and provide room 
for fi lter formation within the vena cava.

CAUTION: Do not withdraw the fi lter catheter/
introducer sheath assembly into the iliac vein. 
Repositioning into the inferior vena cava may 
prove diffi cult.

5. Push fi lter wires

Holding the fi lter catheter/introducer sheath 
assembly stationary and with fl uoroscopic 
control, advance the wire guide pusher with
a steady, smooth motion until the junction 
point of the proximal hook wires is seen
fl uoroscopically at the fi lter catheter tip.

CAUTION: Do not advance too quickly or 
forcefully as wire kinking within fi lter catheter 
may occur, making advance ment diffi cult.


6. Push fi lter/sheath assembly

Advance the fi lter catheter/introducer sheath 
assembly so that the proximal junction point
is in close proximity to or overlaps the junction 
point of previously positioned hook wires.

NOTE: The approximation or slight overlap
of the junction points ensures adequate
compression and formation of the fi lter wires 
and places the second pair of hooks in the 
inferior vena cava. Placement of a hook in a 
renal vein, or passage of fi lter wires distal to 
the fi rst hook position (wire prolapse), may
occasionally occur and is of no consequence.

7. Pull sheath

While maintaining slight forward pressure 
on the wire guide pusher, slowly withdraw 
the fi lter catheter/introducer sheath assembly. 
This will permit the proximal hook wires
to exit the catheter, springing open to
engage with the caval wall. This is readily 
seen fl uoroscopically.

To be sure the hooks are completely free
from the fi lter catheter tip, the fi lter catheter/
introducer sheath assembly should be 
withdrawn to within approximately 1 cm of 
the Bird’s Nest Filter handle attached to the 
wire guide pusher.

CAUTION: Do not advance the wire guide
pusher after the proximal hook wires have 
exited the fi lter catheter tip. Forceful
advancement of wire guide pusher may
alter the orientation of the fi lter attachment 
site, making disengagement diffi cult.

Refer to Suggested Instructions For Use for indications, warnings and precautions.

8. Anchor hooks

Gently tug or use a slight to-and-fro motion 
on the wire guide pusher to secure the 
second pair of hooks to the vena cava wall 
before disengaging the fi lter. 

9. Detach fi lter

To release fi lter:


. Maintaining wire guide pusher position, 

remove red safety lock from handle by 
grasping both sides and pulling up and 
away from the handle.


. Holding the wire guide pusher steady, 

use the handle to fully depress the 
thumb grip of the wire guide pusher 
forward into the cannula. Maintaining 
this position will release the fi lter.
Separation can be seen fl uoroscopically.


. Release pressure on the thumb grip of 

the handle.


. Pull the wire guide pusher’s distal end 

back into the fi lter catheter.

Remove the wire guide pusher and fi lter 
catheter, leaving the introducer sheath
in place. Reposition the sheath for a fi nal 
vena cavogram.

Fig. 9a

Fig. 9c

Fig. 9b

Fig. 9d
