CONVISION CC-8*** Cameras User Manual
Select the desired audio codec. The Bitrate is configurable for some codecs.
Video/Audio – Color Setting
Flip: flip horizontally (top to bottom)
Mirror: flip vertically (right to left)
AE Range Limit: enabling exposes an upper/lower limit list of exposure values for configuration
Enabling also disables AEC & AGC settings and hides the setting controls
AEC: Automatic Exposure Control; disabling enables Manual Exposure
Max Exposure: maximum possible exposure time
Manual Exposure: sets specific exposure time
AGC: Automatic Gain Control; disabling enables Manual Gain
Max Gain: maximum possible gain
Manual Gain: sets specific gain setting
AWB: Auto White Balance
BLC: Back Light Compensation; image EV (Exposure Value) can be increased to compensate for
background lighting
WDR: Wide Dynamic Range
Noise Filter: image noise compensation; manual allows user to define level of noise reduction (0
none; 254 max).
While noise reduction will smooth pixilation (usually in dark areas), too much may result in
IR-Cut Filter: controls IR filter operation
B/Win night mode: deselect if black & white not desired in night mode