Command Settings
Click on 'Command Settings' to edit or delete commands up to 128
Insert the command directly in the bottom column of Command Edit and
name the command on the top column then click on Save Changes to
store the command.
Note: Some command may require to add a carriage return (eg:\r or 0D)
in the end to allow the system to recognize as an end of the command.
For IR command Learning, press IR Learn first then press the remote
control in direct line-of-sight to the IR Receiver connected from the IRL
port within 5 seconds. A command string will show in the bottom
column. Click on Save Changes to store the command.
For IR command saving, insert the command on the bottom column and
click on Save changes to store the command.
Trigger Settings
Click on 'Trigger Settings' to view the current trigger status and edit
the trigger behavior. Default setting Status is on Low, Active is on
Enable and Mode is on Change, where Status represent current input
connection signal status, Active represent enabling or not the trigger
action and Mode represent the trigger setting of the input signal. Under
mode selection there are Raising, Falling and Change where Raising
represent the signal from low to high, falling represent the signal from
high to low and change represent both high and low signals