C O N T R O L S Y S T E M S & S O L U T I O N S
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To ensure that the engine load is removed, the regen process requires that the parking brake input
(Pin B5 - closed to ground) and the Neutral Switch (Pin B2 – closed to ground) are applied. It is not
acceptable to initiate the parked regeneration when the engine load is applied. A prompt will
appear for each state, with the operator pressing Enter to confirm.
After the operator acknowledges a final prompt screen, a regen request will be sent to the engine
ECU. At this time, the ECU will activate the full regen process.
Regen Progress
During the parked regen, the message Regen Starting will appear followed by a progress status bar.
This bar will remain at a maximum of 10% until the engine achieves the desired temperature for soot
and ash elimination.
At the end of the process, the controller will prompt the operator that the regeneration has been
completed. The operator must acknowledge this by pressing the Enter button prior to resuming
normal operation and loading the engine.