MegaChlor Manual
MegaChlor Manual
Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Guide
Before using this troubleshooting guide, please review the installation and operation instructions in this
Before using this troubleshooting guide, please review the installation and operation instructions in this
manual, in case there were any steps missed along the way.
manual, in case there were any steps missed along the way.
Green (
(Salt High
Salt High)
) and
and Red
Red (
(Salt Low
Salt Low)
) Lights on at the Same Time
Lights on at the Same Time
This is simply an indication of too much salt. To protect the power supply and the electrode from
This is simply an indication of too much salt. To protect the power supply and the electrode from
damage, your
damage, your MegaChlor
MegaChlor has temporarily shut itself down. Even if you added the correct amount and
has temporarily shut itself down. Even if you added the correct amount and
the salt level measured
the salt level measured
, the indication is also dependent on water temperature and other minerals in
, the indication is also dependent on water temperature and other minerals in
the water. When in doubt, start off lower than expected and add more salt over the next couple of days
the water. When in doubt, start off lower than expected and add more salt over the next couple of days
as needed. It is much easier to add more salt than it is to take it out.
as needed. It is much easier to add more salt than it is to take it out.
To fix the high salt level, first take the electrode out of the water and press
To fix the high salt level, first take the electrode out of the water and press
. This is to turn on
. This is to turn on
chlorine generation outside of the water. If the
chlorine generation outside of the water. If the
lights persist, then the problem is
lights persist, then the problem is
unrelated to the water.
unrelated to the water.
If they do turn off, the next step is to use a 5-gallon (20-liter) bucket to determine how much you need to
If they do turn off, the next step is to use a 5-gallon (20-liter) bucket to determine how much you need to
dilute your water.
dilute your water.
1. Fill the bucket about
Fill the bucket about
of the way with pool/spa water and the other
of the way with pool/spa water and the other
with fresh water.
with fresh water.
2. Turn off the electrode and place it in the bucket for about 5 minutes to adjust to temperature.
Turn off the electrode and place it in the bucket for about 5 minutes to adjust to temperature.
3. Then turn it on and check to see if the light is
Then turn it on and check to see if the light is
Salt OK
Salt OK
) when making chlorine. If needed,
when making chlorine. If needed,
empty the bucket and repeat this test, using different amounts of pool/spa versus fresh water until
empty the bucket and repeat this test, using different amounts of pool/spa versus fresh water until
the light is
the light is
. If the salt is
. If the salt is
, try again with less pool/spa water, and if it is
, try again with less pool/spa water, and if it is
, try again
, try again
with more pool/spa water. The amount of the bucket that is pool/spa water is the level to which
with more pool/spa water. The amount of the bucket that is pool/spa water is the level to which
you should drain your pool or spa to then refill with fresh water. For example, if the light turns
you should drain your pool or spa to then refill with fresh water. For example, if the light turns
in the bucket with
in the bucket with
pool/spa water, drain your pool or spa to about
pool/spa water, drain your pool or spa to about
of the way full, and
of the way full, and
then refill with fresh water.
then refill with fresh water.
Buildup in the Electrode, on the Plates or on the Gold/Copper-Colored Wires
Buildup in the Electrode, on the Plates or on the Gold/Copper-Colored Wires
The MegaChlor
MegaChlor electrode uses a process called electrolysis to generate chlorine, and calcium is a
electrode uses a process called electrolysis to generate chlorine, and calcium is a
naturally occuring byproduct of that reaction—especially if your water source contains high levels of that
naturally occuring byproduct of that reaction—especially if your water source contains high levels of that
calcium (hard water). If there is too much buildup, it will interfere with chlorine generation, potentially
calcium (hard water). If there is too much buildup, it will interfere with chlorine generation, potentially
even shorting the unit if left untreated.
even shorting the unit if left untreated.
To clean, disconnect from power and then soak the electrode in a mild acid (e.g. vinegar or pH down) for
To clean, disconnect from power and then soak the electrode in a mild acid (e.g. vinegar or pH down) for
10-30 minutes and then rinse in clean water. Repeat as needed until the calcium is gone.
10-30 minutes and then rinse in clean water. Repeat as needed until the calcium is gone.
Light on While Generating Chlorine
Light on While Generating Chlorine
This light indicates that the salt level is
, so simply add salt. We recommend also measuring the salt
level with a test strip before adding though, especially if you are still adjusting to your new MegaChlor
After a while, you may have white calcium buildup on or between the titanium plates in the electrode,
interfering with chlorine generation. In that case, read the previous entry in this troubleshooting guide to
learn how to clean this.
Also, if your MegaChlor
MegaChlor’s electrode lifespan is spent (see Electrode Lifespan Indicator
Electrode Lifespan Indicator), the plates may
be wearing out and needing to be replaced.
MegaChlor is Off: Lights and/or Buttons Stopped Working
First, unplug the MegaChlor from the outlet, wait at least 10 seconds, and plug it back in. This will reboot
First, unplug the MegaChlor from the outlet, wait at least 10 seconds, and plug it back in. This will reboot
the unit, which may be all that it needs, especially if it has been a while since its last reboot.
the unit, which may be all that it needs, especially if it has been a while since its last reboot.
If the problem persists, check to make sure that there is no water near the control box, since that could
If the problem persists, check to make sure that there is no water near the control box, since that could
be a sign that water got inside. If you do not see any moisture nearby, check to make sure that your
be a sign that water got inside. If you do not see any moisture nearby, check to make sure that your
power cord is securely connected to both the outlet and the MegaChlor.
power cord is securely connected to both the outlet and the MegaChlor.