RELAY CARD (C.I. PART # 11-0195):
The output relays, K-1, K-2, K-3, and K-4 and their associated components, resistors R-2, R-4, R-6,R-8; indicator
’s D-2, D-4, D-6, D-8; diodes D-1, D-3, D-5, D-7; resistors R-1, R-3, R-5, R-7 and capacitors C-1, C-2, C-3, and
C-4 are contained on their own printed circuit card, P/N 11-0195. The relays and timer function are controlled by the
microprocessor on the receiver/decoder card 11-0255.
Diodes D-1, D-3, D-5, and D-7 are connected inversely across the relay coils to suppress the inductive transient
when the relays are turned off.
Resistors R-2, R-4, R-6, R-8 and LED indicators D-3, D-4, D-6, D-8 show when the relays have been activated. The
LEDs will be visible when the printed circuit board cover is in place.
Resistors R-1, R-3, R-5, R-7 and capacitors C-1 thru C-4 form arc suppression networks to reduce transient noise
when the relays deactivate the load relays. This arc suppression also increases relay life.
In case the load relays have very high coil impedance, keeping the loads energized after K-1 are shut off, the arc
suppression networks may be disabled by removing capacitor C-1
K-4 is the heater control relay and has a green LED to indicate when the heater resistor is powered and heating.
Fig D
Plug-in Relay Assembly 11-0195T2